Monday, November 01, 2004

Maturity Model on Performance Management

I am looking for a model that can be used to determine and communicate the CURRENT and DESIRED STATUS of an organization on Corporate PM.

Typically I would envisage a 5? by 8? Matrix with:
> the horizontal axe consisting out of a number of increasing maturity levels, such as: Recognising, Understanding, Managing, Mastering and Leading.
> the vertical axe consisting out of the dimensions / aspects that one would have to take into consideration, such as:
1) Strategy/Vision,
2) Measuring/Valuation,
3) KPIs/Compensation,
4) Organization/Processes,
5) Culture/Communication,
6) Leadership/Planning,
7) Results/Value Creation,
8) Infrastructure/Tools.

Ideally the cells of the matrix would contain a bulletised description of the qualities an organization would require for a certain maturity level per aspect of Enterprise PM.

This tool could then be used in PM workshops to oversee the complexity of CPM and discuss, graphically plot, and agree on the IST and SOLL status for a particular organization.

Who wants to share work done in this respect? Do you use other tools for this purpose? Why? Can you add builds for the vertical aspects to consider? Please add your Comments!


Blogger Graeme Tucker said...

As some time has elapsed since this was posted, I wonder what the progress has been.

I like the idea of a simple matrix but have difficultly in seeing how so many issues will be combined to form some sort of valuable positioning. You might have already solved this issue.

How do you plan to make the scoring values mean anything to the client.

3:39 PM  
Anonymous Performance Management Kit said...

Good article. And don't forget about the good old gap analysis. Gap analysis consists of defining the present state, the desired or `target'state and hence the gap between them. In the later stages of problem solving the aim is to look at ways to bridge the gap defined and this may often be
accomplished by backward-chaining logical sequences of actions or
intermediate states from the desired state to the present state.

3:03 AM  

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