Hyperion and Peking University to launch Business Performance Management Research Institute
In a ceremony planned for March 17 in Beijing, Peking University and contributors including Hyperion (Nasdaq:HYSL) will launch the Business Performance Management Research Institute at the university's Guanghua School of Management campus. The institute, believed to be the world's first, will train students on the practice of Business Performance Management.
Guanghua School of Management is widely recognized as China's top business school. The university and Hyperion will team to help students, business leaders and entrepreneurs develop the skills and techniques to drive visibility and higher business performance.
Hyperion Chief Technology Officer John Kopcke says "Companies around the world are demanding greater visibility into the factors and indicators that drive performance. The leadership of Peking University deserves enormous credit for helping address this need. With this bold step, it will help today's executives and tomorrow's business leaders.
According to the Wall Street Journal, dated March 9, 2005, China is increasing its commitment to advanced business training, launching MBA programs at 30 universities in just the past three years. The business school training is reaching out to traditional students as well as current business leaders, with some 50 percent of graduate business students at China's top three schools believed to be chairmen or CEOs.
Wu Changqui, associate dean of Peking University's Guanghua School of Business, recently said in the Wall Street Journal, "Companies in China have come to an important point where entrepreneurs can no longer manage their companies based on their past experiences. Executive MBA programs provide them a forum where they can learn practices of foreign and domestic companies."
Major activities planned from the Business Performance Management Research Institute include: research projects and publications, Business Performance Management training programs, seminar series and forums, international exchange programs, and the creation of syllabi to guide the development of Business Performance Management curriculums at MBA, Executive MBA and master's programs.
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